Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe2-01.jpg

Do you have a particular meal of the day that is a challenge every.single.time? For me, that meal is lunch. I tend to be working at my computer while having lunch, or maybe I’m running errands and in the car - either way, I need something that’s quick to make, fills me up, low calorie, and DELICIOUS.

Enter, smoothies!

Now, for me, smoothies aren’t about weight loss and nutrition at the expense of enjoyment. I enjoy eating, and I enjoy things that taste good. You won’t find me powering down spicy green smoothies just because they’re healthy. I tried it once, and I gagged. No thank you. I’d rather sneak my fruits and veggies in a way that tastes good, thankyouverymuch.

So here’s the strawberry-banana protein smoothie that I’ve been having for lunch nearly every day:

  • 1 cup frozen organic strawberries

  • 1/2 banana (fresh or frozen)

  • 1/2 cup spinach (fresh or frozen)

  • 1/3 cup frozen cauliflower rice

  • 3 ice cubs

  • 1.5 cups vanilla almond milk

  • 1 tbsp almond butter, unsalted

  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder (I use this Aria Women’s protein powder)

The above is the order in which I add it all to my blender cup, and it fills it right up to the top. I blend until smooth, and then use my favorite metal straw. It can sometimes take me two hours to finish one smoothie! I love being able to sip on it while working away at my laptop.

According to MyFitnessPal, which I use to loosely figure out calories, this smoothie has 350 calories.

For more recipe ideas, be sure to follow @jackiemangiolino.

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