Think about the words you use around your children

Think about the words you use in your home, and around your child. If they arenโ€™t words youโ€™d want your child to repeat in the grocery store, cut them from your vocabulary ASAP.

My husband and I have always been very, very careful about the word we use in our home. There are some words (besides curse words) that we feel strongly against, and it's been so rewarding to see our #LittleRichieM growing up to be so polite and positive.

But one day, I heard him yelling, "SHUT UP AND BACK UP!" and I was appalled. My husband and I had no idea where he learned that.

And then, not even 15 minutes later, a squirrel ran by the back window and our dog started barking like a lunatic, as she usually does, and knocked over her water bowl. My husband yelled, "SHUT UP! And BACK UP!!!".

We looked at each other and laughed so dang hard. KIDS LISTEN TO EVERYTHING! Even when you're yelling at the dog LOL

Have you ever let something slip that your child repeated? I could use a good laugh, so please share! .

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